
Díl maccu Chrecga

  • Tréth moccu Chreccai, Tríath moccu Chreccai
  • (agents)
Tréth/Tríath (?, gen. Treth in Scéla Éogain ocus Cormaic) or Díl (Cath Maige Mucrama); father of Moncha, wife of Éogan Mór.

See also: Grecraige
A people in Ireland, variously spelled Crecraige, Creccraige, Grecraige, Gregraige, etc. A number of subgroups are distinguished in the sources, notably the Grecraige around Loch Techet (Lough Gara), another group southeast of the river Moy and a more obscurely attested group in Munster.

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Moncha [daughter of Díl maccu Chrecga]Moncha ... daughter of Díl maccu Chrecga
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Dennis Groenewegen
Page created
November 2016